Other stocks caught in the after-hours downdraft included Microsoft, Dell Computer, and Intel.
Stocks leading the market higher included Intel, which rose $1.11, or 7.4 percent, to $16.22.
Notable companies that have included anthropologists in technical projects include Intel, whose director of interaction and experience research, Genevieve Bell is a particularly prominent example.
The top holdings include Intel, Pfizer and Cisco.
In addition to AMD, its other competitors include Intel and Qualcomm.
The company, whose investors include Intel and Compaq, is expected to go public next year.
Other technology stocks that dropped included Intel, down $1.50, to $64.25, and Apple Computer, down $1.1875, to $35.
That index, whose 16 component stocks include Intel, Motorola and Texas Instruments, is up a riveting 88 percent so far this year.
As for technology issues, the Nasdaq composite index, which includes Intel and Microsoft, rose 12.11 points yesterday, to a record 1,702.41.