His Washington office also played a role in shaping legislation on issues that included the minimum wage, civil rights, Medicare and housing.
Other areas that are expected to be reviewed for possible reductions include Medicare and agricultural subsidies.
The latter include Medicare, farm subsidies and programs for the poor.
His emphases included trade, Medicare, taxes and the environment, and his parliamentary experience.
The Clinton plan includes a formula that would put a tight lid on the growth of private health spending, as well as Medicare and Medicaid.
Her research interests include the uninsured, long-term care, Medicaid and Medicare.
Specific programs include: Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, disability benefits, and others.
This included Medicare, Medicaid, and aid to education.
The tax cut is laced into a comprehensive package of issues that also includes Social Security, Medicare and education.
The centre includes 6 banks and Medicare which provide a great appeal for customers.