Minnesota has had at least 23 cases of measles in 2011, mostly in Hennepin County, which includes Minneapolis.
In Hennepin County, which includes Minneapolis, the news comes as a great relief.
Cities within 50 miles include Minneapolis (39 miles to city center) and St. Paul (32 miles to city center).
The division includes Chicago, Detroit and Minneapolis.
Hennepin County, which includes Minneapolis, has one of the most advanced electronics recycling programs in the country.
They have also expressed dismay that St. Paul did not include Minneapolis in its agreement.
More recently, the 612 area shrunk to include only Minneapolis and a few inner suburbs.
Tour locations included New York, Boston, Seattle, Chicago, and Minneapolis.
Other local chapters include Denver, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Nashville, and Minneapolis.
Those cities include Baltimore, Minneapolis, Tucson and Seattle, police officials said.