Favorite classical composers include Mozart and the Czechs Janacek and Dvorak.
The program includes Smetana, Dvorak, Mozart and Suk, music thought to have been performed from 1941 to 1945 at Terezin.
Illustrious former guests are said to have included Verdi, Mozart and Napoleon.
Composers include Mozart, of course, but also Donaudy, Bellini, Verdi and Storace.
Influences on Fauré, particularly in his early work, included not only Chopin but Mozart and Schumann.
Pop icons of previous eras include Benjamin Franklin and Mozart.
Other repertoire includes Mozart, Bach and Handel, although renaissance polyphony tends to dominate.
The 7:30 concert includes Mozart, Beethoven and Shostakovich, and it, too, is free.
The replies included Mozart, "my dad" and Shakespeare.
Other localities in the area include Elfros and Mozart.