They lived in an area that now includes western Indiana and Ohio, and were closely allied with the Wea Indians.
The region includes Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.
Traditional battleground states include Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, which have 29, 18 and 20 electoral votes, respectively.
The list also includes Columbus, Ohio; Nashville, and Oklahoma City.
It is the principal church of the Jesuits in its particular province which includes Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio.
This information includes Ohio public library resources; regional, state, and federal resources; and electronic information resources.
Other significant roads include Ohio State Routes 73, 104, 139, 140, and 335.
In the Midwest region that included Ohio, where the Aug. 14 problem began, "we had no idea at all," he said.
Virginia had historic claims to much of the Northwest Territory, which included Ohio, dating from its colonial charter.
Stations for the 2007 season include Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and Maryland radio broadcasters.