The census calculated that mean household income in the United States in 2002 was $57,852 annually, while that for Asian households, which includes Pakistanis, was $70,047.
The army, which once included Pakistanis, Palestinians and Arab residents of Kuwait who did not hold citizenship, is largely depleted, with numbers at about 5,000.
The foreigners, who include Pakistanis and Muslims from other countries, have vowed to fight to the death.
Nidda has a vibrant mix of people from many backgrounds, which includes Turkish, Russian and Pakistanis.
They were thought to include Pakistanis, Iranians and a Bangladeshi, diplomats said.
A presidential spokesman, Jawed Ludin, said those arrested included several Pakistanis who had admitted coming to Afghanistan to attack government forces.
That includes Brits and plenty Pakistanis.
It includes Iranians, Indians, and Pakistanis.
Local officials and the radio said the victims of the raids included Afghan refugees and Pakistanis.
So the new 'black sections' of the party that have been set up will include Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, West Indians, Indians, and presumably Chinese.