States with the next-highest percentages of older people included West Virginia (16 percent) and Pennsylvania (15 percent).
This land included present-day Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Other stops included Reading, Pennsylvania, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico over a 12-year period playing professional baseball.
(Other states that have lost thousands of manufacturing jobs include California, Illinois, Michigan and Pennsylvania.)
Traditional battleground states include Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, which have 29, 18 and 20 electoral votes, respectively.
States generally prohibiting it include Pennsylvania and Missouri.
By contrast, the confidence level in the Middle Atlantic region, which also includes Pennsylvania, stood at only 85.7.
Those states included California, Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania, he said.
Twelve states were found to contribute to pollution in states further downwind, but those include New York and Pennsylvania.
Stations for the 2007 season include Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and Maryland radio broadcasters.