He supported the enlargement of the Community to include Spain and Portugal (which both joined in January 1986).
Example of governments which collaborated with the company include: Portugal, Spain and Poland.
Other West European nations with relatively large populations in their 20s included Spain, Greece and Portugal.
Countries granting land included Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Britain.
Other retirees included Pakistan and Portugal, who collided in the first corner of lap 2, forcing both teams out of the race with damage.
Other countries with worsening credit ratings over the last 18 months include Portugal, Cyprus and Italy, which have dropped one or two ratings.
Let us recall, for example, the conditions of enlargement to include Spain and Portugal.
The countries responsible for strong rises in exports included Portugal, Italy and Finland.
His academic visits have included Portugal, Spain, and Israel.
Countries with non-Leninist/communist references to socialism in their constitutions include India and Portugal.