Notable great drawers include Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci.
Great artists of this period included El Greco, Rembrandt, and Caravaggio.
One of looted pieces includes Rembrandt school's painting 'Klint Tabie Maximus'.
Other truly universal artists include Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Rembrandt.
Even in a collection that also includes Rembrandt's "Polish Rider," the Whitney loans add something to the repertory of the horse in art.
Professor Heckscher's wide-ranging scholarship included Rembrandt and ancient Rome.
Permanent members include Rembrandt, Tiepolo, Bonnard, Monet and Modigliani.
The collection includes, for example, Monet, Picasso and Rembrandt.
Over the years, Brown's repertoire has expanded to include Rembrandt, Dali, Baselitz - and rather more of Brown himself.
Famous painters include Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian and Rembrandt.