The Executive Group includes the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Executive Director.
Her past positions include: Vice-President for Europe at the INTERPOL Executive Committee, and Deputy Central Director of the Judicial Police in Paris.
They included former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard and former Vice-President of the European Parliament Pierre Moscovici.
These include Associated Student Body (ASB) President, Vice-President for Administration & Finance, and Vice-President for Clubs & Organizations.
The building also includes University offices of the University President and Vice-President, several classrooms, and Outtakes Quick Cuisine, which offers cafeteria-style food for residents and students.
Elections for the Executive Committee, which includes the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary, are held once a year in Lent term.
The executive committee was expanded in 2007 to include Vice-President and an additional member.
Other positions included Vice-President of the Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts, Trustee for the British Museum and a Commissioner on the Board of Longitude.
The elected positions include the President, Vice-President, and all Co-Premiers.
Other officials have included Official Critics, a Laureate Committee, President, Vice-President, and ballot counters.