Another book which she edited includes Victoria, which was on the bestseller list in England.
Specialist retailers include Frederick's of Hollywood and Victoria's Secret.
Other towns in the region include Buxton, Enmore, Victoria and Paradise.
Other developments under construction include Victoria by the Bay, on the site of a former petroleum refinery in Hercules, Calif.
Other personifications perceived as essentially female and given the title Augusta include Pax (peace) and Victoria (victory).
In order to avoid legal issues over the new clubs name, none of the proposed options presented to fans included the words Vics or Victoria.
The communities include Clarke's Head, Victoria Cove and Stoneville.
These included the Stanhope, Victoria, and Surrey.
Most of them are on two islands, Mahe, which includes the capital, Victoria, and Praslin.
Recent studies indicate that its habitat also includes Great Victoria and Gibson Deserts.