Other states where the constitutional amendments to place direct democracy failed include Mississippi, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Places with similar status which granted women the vote include Wyoming (1869).
Other areas where student performance was relatively high included New Hampshire, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon and wealthier suburbs of other states.
Such states include Hawaii, Idaho, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Wyoming.
His geological surveys included Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah.
Other places with big jumps included Wyoming, Mich.; Round Rock, Tex.; and Plymouth, Minn.
This area included present-day southeastern Wyoming, southwestern Nebraska, most of eastern Colorado, and the westernmost portions of Kansas.
Donald Baer was the regional director of District 5, which included New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.
Their traditional lands include southeastern Oregon, southeastern Idaho, western Wyoming, and southwestern Montana.
By 1490, the Crow were firmly established in a homeland that included the Tongue River valley-in south central/southeastern Montana, and northern Wyoming.