Diagnostic tests that may be performed may include dental X-rays.
Tests may include blood work and X-rays.
Its clinics are staffed by doctors and provide a wider range of services that include X-rays at $90 apiece (or two for $150).
This may include X-rays, blood tests, and tissue cultures to rule out other causes of death.
These may include X-rays, imaging scans, or blood tests.
It may also include a tuberculin skin test, other scans and X-rays, surgical biopsy.
Personnel records do not always include fingerprints, blood type and dental X-rays, and sometimes the records themselves are lost.
Risk factors can include chemicals and X-rays.
"It's all there in the records," which include X-rays from head to toe and 52 photographs.
Other forms of electromagnetic radiation include radio, microwaves and X-rays.