The bill, which now goes to the president, includes a 3.7 percent increase in military pay.
The budgets include a significant increase for special education, to $24,313 a student from $22,294.
The plan that he submitted last month included a 3.8 percent tax increase.
These included an increase in the capital gains tax rate from 20% to 25%.
Although the figure includes a 1 percent increase last year, the department is disturbed at the nature of the cases.
The terms offered included an increase to three seats in the Senate from two.
The higher March levels included a 20.6 percent increase in domestic orders, to $189.67 million.
The Senate version of the welfare bill includes a big increase in money for child care.
The next Indian national budget included major increases in military spending.
The legislation includes a 3.1 percent pay increase for military personnel.