The latest move would include those aboard F-16's.
But the tightening also included a loosening - which lets Government officials travel on official business aboard corporate jets without paying the full cost.
Its failure modes include the transponder aboard the aircraft.
The exhibit includes a reconstruction of the briefing room aboard the aircraft carrier, complete with original seats.
This price and the one below include all meals aboard the barge and all admissions.
His responsibilities included the analysis and planning of cosmonaut activities aboard an space station and their inflight technical training.
That doesn't necessarily include the people aboard your ship who strap into passenger seats and go along for the ride.
The weapons experts at Starfleet could never find a good reason to include that kind of weaponry aboard a starship.
The cost of $1,980 includes meals and accommodations aboard the catamaran; air fare is extra.
The dead included a first officer, a second officer, an assistant officer and a radio man aboard the ship.