This includes acquiring the required education and at least five years of work experience in a credit position.
Early plans included acquiring the Saratoga and Schenectady Railroad as a northern extension.
All marine activities in Vanuatu must comply with the law, which includes acquiring a fishing license from the department.
A busy off season that included acquiring Ventura and Cedeno is close to being complete.
Also, the plan includes acquiring any private land where the capa rose is found growing.
His agreement with the Graham Trust includes acquiring two more works in the next five years.
That short-time future includes acquiring a quality violin; his current instrument, he said, is "barely professional."
With its debt problems resolved, the company set a new growth strategy which, in addition to increasing internal growth, included acquiring smaller distributors.
If the purchase of the business includes acquiring or purchasing vehicles, you may have to execute the transfer documents for the vehicles.
The next steps include acquiring technologies to allow for incorporation of telework into agency operations and policies in order to decrease real-estate costs.