This includes marriages and adultery and the rape of a minor.
These included murder, suicide, incest, drugs, adultery, prostitution, mental health problems and homosexuality.
These include adultery, social constraint, and unfulfilled longing for romantic love.
Modern historians view the charges against her, which included adultery, incest, and witchcraft, as unconvincing.
Primary themes include marriage, adultery, and incest within a group of civilized and educated people.
Grounds for divorce include abandonment, abuse and adultery.
Several grounds for fault divorce include adultery, cruelty, abandonment, mental illness, and criminal conviction.
Their themes include parent-child relationships, fractured love, adultery, illness, and death.
Hudud crimes which can result in the death penalty include apostasy, adultery, and sodomy.
Activities considered a violation of the law of chastity include not only adultery and fornication.