This figure does not include algae, mosses, and lichens, which are non-vascular plants.
One such category, green food, includes algae that supposedly provide energy and strengthen immune systems.
This includes most bacteria, yeast, algae and many plant and animal tissues.
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, which include algae, bacteria, and viruses.
The scientists studying this phenomenon don't actually use the term "red tide," whose definition includes benign algae, too.
Other food items may include other marine invertebrates and algae.
These foods may include plants, animals, algae and fungi.
A comprehensive list of plants would extend to more than 2,000 species without including lichens, algae or fungi.
Organisms responsible for primary production include land plants, marine algae and some bacteria (including cyanobacteria).
The microorganisms involved with these processes usually include bacteria, yeast, algae and molds.