Union of Crowns - it included representatives and allies of the Catholic courts.
This walk included many immigrant students and allies.
Thus, the problem for the Baltic countries is complicated, in that immigrants under Soviet occupation include both allies and opponents.
The candidates also include former warlords and allies of Mr. Taylor.
Now, let us again explore that proposal, but on a broader, more intrusive and radical basis, one which I hope would include allies on both sides.
The list includes the Trojans themselves, led by Hector, and various allies.
They include former political allies to President Robert Mugabe.
Both would be run by an advisory board that would include Mr. James and several allies.
The game allows (or requires, in campaigns) the player to use armies which may include allies who aren't supposed to be fighting the same battles.
Officials with the Republican independent expenditure committee, who include longtime allies of the Bush political circle, did not respond to requests for comment.