The crowd included foreign ambassadors, in effect spies of Gustavus Adolphus' allies and enemies, who also witnessed the catastrophe.
He married Baby in a lavish wedding that included Senators and ambassadors as guests.
Participants include general officers, senior diplomats, ambassadors, ministers, deputy ministers and parliamentarians.
The figures do not include judges, United States attorneys, Federal marshals or ambassadors.
The commander will regularly meet abroad with the country team to include ambassadors, foreign ministers of defense and foreign presidents.
Its alumni include presidents, senators, ambassadors and Nobel Prize winners, along with musicians, scientists, and others.
Over the years, the committee has accumulated a rich history of notable members to include Presidents, statesmen and ambassadors.
The more than 600 guests at this year's event, the 105th, included publishers, Cabinet members, lawmakers, judges and ambassadors.
The Council's directors also include other ambassadors, theologians, presidents of colleges and foundations, and journalists.
His siblings include ambassadors, military officers and other officials.