The new unit includes plastics, appliances and industrial products, security and other operations.
Substantial industries include electric appliances, components, computer parts and cars, while tourism in Thailand makes up about 6% of the economy.
Include even lights and appliances like a coffee maker or microwave.
These include household furniture and appliances, tools of the trade and vehicles up to a certain value.
Future plans include the installation of furniture and basic appliances for student lounge spaces throughout the building (announced at the Fall 2007 studio open house).
Orders for durable goods, which include cars, appliances and airplanes, were up 0.2 percent in September, less than half the forecast.
The latter includes: clothing, household items, electronics and electrical appliances.
The primary coverage categories include consumer electronics, appliances, computers and related industries.
Important products include motor vehicles, food, electrical appliances, machinery, chemicals, and paper.
Profit from its industrial business, which includes appliances and plastics manufacturing, grew 15 percent, to $729 million.