Throughout the building, the architectural elements include high pointed arches.
Design and structural elements include arches, domes, and flying buttresses.
This lease was later (c.1584 and 1701) extended to include additional arches.
Architectural elements include arches with Corinthian style capitols that top the columns.
These included portable triumphal arches and the royal barges.
Intercolumniation is present at the main door, following the width of the patio, and includes several arches, supported by small columns of marble.
His early designs had bold linear features which in later stages included more traditional arches in his design for climate control.
A support can refer to a variety of structures in architecture that includes arches, beams, columns, balconies, and stretchers.
Decorative features include a red tile roof and terracotta trim, as well as large arches on the main facade.
Free style - mixture of the two above; may include arches and sandstone.