The incidents included harassment, intimidation, assault, arson, police abuse and murder.
For one thing, he said, the alleged illegal activity in California, which included drive-by shootings and arson, was more serious.
The violence last year included arson, but of unoccupied cars and buildings.
Additional common crimes included theft, arson, and the destruction of property.
Their tactics include shootings, bombings and arson, with victims often being Catholic civilians.
General intent crimes include arson, rape, common law murder, and voluntary manslaughter.
In many cases, these protests included anti-Japanese violence, vandalism, and arson.
Their crimes include murder, rape, arson, assault and theft, he said.
Other crimes not measured by the crime survey include kidnapping and arson.
He can't even keep a housekeeper who will put up with her behavior, which includes occasional arson.