Other reported physical repercussions of caregiving include: impaired immunity, high blood pressure, and arthritis.
The most common symptoms of these flares include arthritis, rashes, and fatigue.
Other conditions that look similar include pseudogout and rheumatoid arthritis.
Other conditions which present similarly include pseudogout and rheumatoid arthritis.
These problems might include gout, rheumatoid arthritis, or joint infection.
The causes of their disabilities included arthritis, heart disease, stroke and dementia.
Additional long-term side effects of the condition also include kidney disease, arthritis, bone deterioration and stroke.
The results of these injuries included debilitating arthritis, and he used a wheelchair for the last ten years of his life.
Some common occupational injuries and illnesses for older workers include arthritis and fractures.
Other problems may also include skin problems, arthritis, and inflammation of the mouth or eyes.