This examination may include extra attention to examination of the hands and feet.
These figures do not include medical attention, which would have taken the 1995 figure to more than $17 million.
Parole criteria should include attention to the meaning of the prisoner's observed behavior.
If exposure through inhalation occurs, first aid includes fresh air, rest and possible medical attention.
Other areas of assessment may include perception, cognition, memory, attention, and language abilities.
Efforts to eliminate it include additional care and attention to the mother pig.
Crisis Services include immediate attention and care 24/7 for children that are going through difficult times because of family problems or out of control circumstances.
Mental states include attention, executive processing, memory, reasoning, and language.
This includes serious attention to gifted students and a commitment to providing music theory instruction for every student.
These include: attention to a subject, believing that a person/group is in a state of need, and the specific characteristics of a given situation.