Important smaller carnivores include bobcats, badgers, foxes, and two species of skunk.
Native animals species include coyote, squirrels, badgers, raccoons, and the occasional fox.
Small mammals found in the region include civets, mongooses and badgers.
Other wildlife in the area includes badgers, elk, black bears, coyotes, cougars and deer.
Species found in this rich woodland include badgers, polecats and the elusive dormouse.
Mammals found in the wood include bats, badgers and deer.
His social equipment did not include formulae for talking to people he had just mortally wounded, or badgers, let alone a combination of the two.
Small mammals present in the woodland include badgers and weasels.
Animals present include fallow deer, foxes, badgers, hares and red squirrels.
Its predators include black-footed ferrets, badgers, and golden eagles.