It includes new sidewalks and streetlights as well as colorful banners and signs ballyhooing the district.
Others include name labels, certificates and banners.
This includes banners that would expand to a larger size, offering advertisers a larger display to communicate their message.
To popularise the contest, Microsoft planned a 360 marketing campaign which included a television commercial, radio advertisements, digital banners and retail collaterals.
These include banners in support of political reform, trade unions and the anti-apartheid movement.
Formats include static banners, pop ups, videos, and floating units.
The planned site was to include an international commemoration wall, sidewalk plaques, a cultural pylon, a seating area, and banners, but construction has not yet begun.
The information that was overlooked included both external advertisement banners and internal navigational banners, e.g. quick links.
Other materials used in certain types of displays include balloons, streamers, huge banners, flares, smoke bombs, and some times giant dolls.
The museum's exhibits include period weapons, banners and uniforms.