It included a safe deposit box located in the vault beneath the building.
Other monumental structures include massive underground tombs, often located beneath stelae.
The church, which dates from Saxon times, includes a small crypt beneath the building.
The original design included a 10,000-square-foot "contemplation room" directly beneath the north footprint.
The complex also included arcade and basement floors beneath the Ocean Boulevard level.
Concrete poured on the site ran about $3.50 a square foot, which included the foundation footings beneath the slab.
Other theories included a dust explosion and a build-up of methane beneath the building.
Those observations included measurements of the oceanic and atmospheric processes from the water beneath the ice, near the ship, to the top of the atmosphere.
The purchase also includes a ground-level professional office suite and garage parking for up to 14 cars beneath the building.
Picnic bacon is from the picnic cut, which includes the shoulder beneath the blade.