Examples of media one can advertise with include billboards, newspapers, women's magazines, radio and television.
The SmartEnergy.com campaign, which included billboards and radio spots, began on April 1.
The campaign, for which the budget was not disclosed, also includes billboards, transit posters and signs atop taxicabs.
The campaign is under way in a variety of media outlets that include television, magazines, the Internet and billboards.
The advertising to promote the brand includes billboards, magazine ads, and television spots.
The campaign will be expanded to include print and Internet ads, billboards, brochures and other materials.
Other game objects included civilian buildings, billboards and even animals.
She praised the campaign, which also includes billboards and fliers.
The ads mentioned in the complaint include billboards featuring a photograph of the mayor with four nurses.
Public locations include outdoor billboards, roofs, sides of buildings and water towers.