The study, published on Aug. 23 in the journal Nature, was conducted by an international team that included material scientists, theoretical physicists, chemists and biologists.
The project includes meteorologists, oceanographers, marine biologists, and policy-makers.
At Bournedale, outside experts include marine biologists, beekeepers, oceanographers and naturalists.
Contributors to evolutionary studies in literature have included humanists, biologists, and social scientists.
They included anthropologists, sociologists, economists, psychologists, geriatricians, biologists, nurses, philosophers and social workers.
In addition to computer programming, typical examples include chemists, molecular biologists, geographers, and designers.
Therefore, each cruise includes explorers, naturalists, geologists, ornithologists and biologists.
More than 2,500 members include biologists, engineers, and clinician scientists.
Such a body would have to include physicists, biologists and chemists of the highest qualifications, but also public figures beyond any reproach of corruption.
The team included psychoanalysts, social psychiatrists and biologists.