Other large mammals include pronghorn, elk, and bison.
Other examples of Pleistocene life in Kansas include bison, horses, and peccaries.
Some distinguishing dishes include bison and Rocky Mountain oysters.
The fauna includes, amongst others, tigers, elephants, sambar leopards and bison.
Some large mammals that were without doubt utilized by these populations included elk, mountain lion, black bear, gray wolf, white-tailed deer, and bison.
Animals include American bison, prairie dogs, pumas, elk, coyotes, cranes and bobcats.
Mammals in this area include bison, deer, pronghorn, coyotes, and prairie dogs.
Best of all, perhaps, they can see the zoo's all-American residents, which include coyotes, prairie dogs and, of course, bison.
Susceptible animals include cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, antelope, deer, and bison.
Others included the antelope, bison, deer, armored glyptodonts, and the modern horse.