The current board, however, includes seven whites and two blacks.
Members of the jury, which included two blacks, said that race played no part in their findings.
Although the group included men, women, blacks, and whites, the majority of its members were white.
The other 23 included 4 women, 7 blacks, 8 whites and 6 of unknown race.
The class will include 98 blacks, far fewer than the 260 black freshmen in fall 1997.
He recalled that one public administration course included 12 or 14 blacks in a class of 50 civil servants.
In the Bronx, where 38 percent of the residents are black, any jury pool would have to include many blacks.
The class elected in 1992 included 21 women, 16 blacks and 6 Hispanic lawmakers.
This particular one includes whites, blacks and Asians, who don't, for the time we see them, talk race.
The wounded today included 11 blacks, 10 whites, an Indian and a person of mixed race.