Other supplies included baby wipes, potato chips, blankets and bedpans.
Altman's work includes quilted moving blankets imprinted with found images of nature.
Wallace-branded products on the market include action figures, blankets, and cell phone content.
The aid included blankets, medicines and other medical equipment.
Furniture for the apartments included only army cots, mattresses, and blankets.
Typical gifts related to babies include diapers, blankets, baby bottles, clothes, and toys.
Future American deliveries are expected also to include blankets and tents.
Initial aid shipments included noodles, drinking water, powdered milk, blankets and medicines.
Most of the money was used to purchase goods locally or from nearby countries; items included blankets, two ambulances, food, clothes and transportation.
The 33 tons of aid includes blankets, clothes, foodstuff, medical equipment, and infant food.