In Russia's criminal legislation, "corruption" is not defined as a specific crime, but a collective term which include bribery, abuse of office and others.
The constitutional standard includes "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
Officials have asserted that the tactics of the loggers include violence and bribery, a charge the logging companies deny.
Prosecutors never disclosed what crime they suspected, but legal experts said possibilities included bribery or some kind of voter fraud.
A conspiracy was quickly uncovered by Atlanta officers which included bribery for special treatment.
The grounds include fraud, bribery and a candidate's ineligibility, none of which has been asserted in the Florida presidential balloting.
The charges include conspiracy, commercial bribery, money laundering and fraud.
The charges included racketeering, bribery, extortion, money laundering and tax fraud.
The allegations have included bribery and intimidation of prospective witnesses.
The charges in the criminal case include coercion, bribery, insurance fraud and money laundering.