Clients include art-movie houses, broadcasters, universities and libraries, as well as the home-video market.
The jury list includes more than 200 Canadian music journalists, bloggers and broadcasters.
Those industries that should not be badly hurt include food companies, health care providers, broadcasters and, at least in the short term, energy companies.
The baseball hall includes pitchers, hitters, power hitters, fielders, managers, umpires, broadcasters and owners.
From the start, however, support for the bill was based on a fragile coalition of contentious interests that included broadcasters, consumer groups and municipal organizations.
City News Service clients include local and regional newspapers and broadcasters.
The membership includes journalists, broadcasters and publicists, as well as key executives in all the areas that involve the game.
Those expressing this view include newspapers, broadcasters and consumers as well as those in the business of compiling and marketing such information.
A Government-backed effort in Japan includes broadcasters and major electronics companies.
Members are selected by an advisory committee that includes former players, broadcasters, and staff members.