As a schoolboy Ford became interested in lepidoptera, the group of insects which includes butterflies and moths.
The installation will include live butterflies, frogs and jellyfish.
The chance of spotting and capturing an insect of the order Lepidoptera, which includes butterflies, remains slim.
Local dwellers include butterflies, spiders, grasshoppers and various beetles.
Other favorite subjects, not on view here, include butterflies, monkeys and portraits of people.
Other invertebrates eaten include flies, butterflies, moths, beetles, and snails.
Faunal species includes mammals, reptiles, butterflies and insects and birds.
Wildlife to be seen includes deer, rare butterflies and the pretty river bird, the dipper.
Recent formalised motifs have included butterflies, yachts on the ocean and a wide range of flora.
Their catholic diet includes butterflies and the honeydew of aphids.