Other popular attractions included a shooting gallery, a captive air balloon and regular musical performances by bands.
The evening, which begins at 8, will include performances by the Montgomery Cliffs, the Secret Service and other bands.
The festivities included an art auction, various children's activities, and musical performances by local bands.
"Homegrown Rawk and/or Roll: Starfire's Mix" included 15 tracks by bands that helped make the festival famous.
Royal Flush started a series of launch events that included live performances by bands that appeared in the magazine in 2001.
This playlist includes a dozen songs by bands who fancied the tiger enough to claim them as part of their band's name.
These elements are rarely, if ever shown on TV or included on DVD releases by other bands.
Events within the festival include performances by popular local bands as well as a car and truck show.
Each issue included a compact disc with 15 to 24 songs by well established bands, unsigned bands, and everything in between.
The finished soundtrack includes songs by glam rock and glam-influenced bands, past and present.