Common examples include calcite, quartz, topaz, beryl, tourmaline and fluorite, among others.
Other minerals found in the basalts include calcite, magnetite, copper, and quartz (often as amethyst).
Associated minerals include strontianite, dawsonite and calcite.
Common carbonate minerals include calcite (found in limestone) and dolomite.
Associated minerals include azurite, calcite, malachite, and smithsonite.
Associated minerals include talc, chlorite, serpentine and calcite.
Mineral rocks founded around this area includes azurite, chalcoalumite, calcite, austinite, adamite and more.
Minerals associated with graphite include quartz, calcite, micas and tourmaline.
The chemical composition of ammolite is variable, and aside from aragonite may include calcite, silica, pyrite, or other minerals.
Gangue minerals included calcite, quartz, epidote, chlorite, and various zeolites.