Other common impurities of clinohumite include aluminium, manganese, and calcium.
These include calcium, fat, cholesterol, cellular waste, and fibrin, a material involved in blood clotting.
Less glamorous trace minerals include iron, silicates, selenium and calcium.
For proper bone and shell development, their diet must include adequate calcium.
These included calcium, aluminium, lead and barium, among others (Brill 1971).
This would include calcium, magnesium salts and even some organic residues.
Its ingredients include green tea extracts, caffeine, calcium and artificial sweeteners.
Okpella is known for its natural mineral resources, which include limestone, calcium, and granite.
Minerals often found in duricrust include silica, iron, calcium, and gypsum.
But that dinner includes crucial protein, calcium, fruit, and a vegetable, along with whole grains.