Banneker was a free black farmer living in Washington who published an almanac that included complex astronomical and tidal calculations.
The trip computer also included numerous calculations at the touch of a button on a small panel located to the right of the steering wheel.
The tax estimates also include calculations for tax exemptions like those for veterans, the elderly or the clergy.
Mr. Lazio has repeatedly said that he never included political calculations in his consideration of impeachment.
The proposed changes include complex calculations that must be used to value early receipt of options and other compensation incentives.
On the other hand, since it is written using a complete programming language, stylesheets can include highly complex dynamic calculations and conditional processing.
Their work includes calculations of how heat moves through steel building components with small gaps or imperfections in fireproofing insulation.
Morning rituals are altered to include hasty calculations of statistics culled from box scores of major league games.
They later released the Delphi computer in 1989 that included calculations for diving at altitude as well as profile recording.
The new exam, which was created in 2009, reflects changes in the industry and includes revised calculations and questions.