They were accompanied by a support staff which included technicians, carpenters and mechanics.
All the club members, which included carpenters, electricians and plumbers, helped renovate the building on their own time.
They included house servants, cooks, coachmen, blacksmiths, carpenters and weavers.
The town's craftsmen included bakers, butchers, brewers, carpenters and blacksmiths.
Examples of machinists include electricians and carpenters.
A few of the many jobs that require arithmetic include carpenters, plumbers, auto mechanics, accountants, architects, doctors, and nurses.
The order included skilled carpenters, who constructed the riverboats, on-site, from local timber.
They include janitors, clerks and carpenters, who owe their appointments to Democrats but can be replaced in the new regime.
Examples of people in our society with the warrior mentality include: policemen, firemen, soldiers, professional athletes, skilled carpenters and tradesmen, etc.
The workers included carpenters, tile workers, masons, and rock experts.