Examples of this include very large crude carriers and bulk carriers, but possibly also container vessels.
Those parties include carriers from poorer nations and airplane manufacturers from developed nations.
If players include carriers in their fleets, they may dispatch groups of fighters into battle.
Categories will include shuttle and long-haul carriers, and the best airline for traveling among the nation's 10 largest cities.
This was important because mail delivery often included multiple carriers in varying environmental circumstances, which made it possible for a mail to get lost.
This includes logistics operators, carriers, freight forwarders and customs agents.
Collateral duties included training submarines and escorting carriers on training missions.
Opponents of the bill, who include consumer groups and long-distance carriers, were furious at Senator Pressler's disclosure.
The decoy force included several old carriers (by now bereft of aircraft), cruisers and destroyers.
In the telecommunications arena, the new forces of competition include low-cost local carriers, wireless services and the Internet.