None of the countries on this year's Ethical Destinations list is perfect, and four countries must include special caveats.
He added that while the analysts included caveats on their reports, those passages "tended to drop off as the reports would go up the food chain" inside the government.
Furthermore, the sales material should include important caveats.
Whichever number they used, people invariably included caveats in their views that a record could be coming.
He said meteorologists, if they are prudent, will probably include strong caveats in any long-term forecasts in the coming months.
However, the Bill includes broad and undefined caveats around the requirement to publish datasets that are requested under FOI.
The reports, American officials said, included several caveats.
His carefully calibrated ambiguity included enough hints and caveats to leave room for the Fed to make almost any decision.
She discusses the particular needs of diabetics, those with low-thyroid function (her own condition), and includes caveats for those pregnant or nursing.
C.I.A. officials now acknowledge that the estimate should have included more complete caveats about the quality of the information.