There are a number of ways to invest in gold; common ones include bullion, certificates, and coins.
These could include certificates and debentures, that will need to be paid-up before the child has even sat their entrance exam.
The money included silver certificates that were issued by the Treasury Department before 1967 and have added value to collectors, the police said.
Other mechanisms include certificates of participation and lease-buyback agreements.
The club won 1st place in both years and received prizes, which include cash, aquarium paraphernalia and certificates.
In the form of a fun time trial, it will include certificates for all participants.
Other long-term issues include certificates due in 2013 that are priced to yield 6.48 percent.
Financial instruments involved in cash management include money market funds, treasury bills, and certificates of deposit.
Participants pay $11 to play; the fee includes lunch, awards, certificates and a T-shirt.
The program includes stickers, buttons, certificates and even postcards to let vacationing children take part in summer reading games.