Home-use light dimmers typically include electronic circuitry which suppresses current flow during defined portions of each cycle of the AC line voltage.
The model 102 was upgrading to the model 202 telephone which included better electronic circuitry to solve the sidetone problems.
The elaborated system includes automatic alarm circuitry, range-finding circuitry, and data-processing equipment; it is equipped to make 35 mm photographic recordings of all signals received.
Classes offered by E2C include circuitry, electronics, foundations of electronics, and early college courses in math, English and social studies.
As an active cable, it includes circuitry inside the connectors.
A regenerator includes circuitry to recover the clock timing information, which is then used to determine when the output signal switches it's state.
This is transparent to users, because the memory also includes circuitry to detect and correct these errors.
For added convenience, active loads often include circuitry to measure the current and voltage delivered to the inputs, and may display these measurements on numeric readouts.
But some larger scopes costing $2,000 and up have eliminated even those steps by including circuitry that can pick up signals from Global Positioning System satellites.
Its tricks include faster circuitry, shielding from interference and a flip-out antenna that swivels in any direction.