Classes include Thai language, mathematics, Thai history, civics, sewing and agriculture.
The core subjects in Form 3 and 4 offered by all schools include mathematics, English, Kiswahili, biology, civics, religion, history, geography, and physics and chemistry.
The courseload includes mathematics, history, geography, science, English, civics, and the dramatic, visual, and musical arts, as well as computer science.
Some public military schools mandate JROTC as a class for all grade levels, and have a curriculum that includes military history, military protocol, civics and physical fitness.
Junior students (first year to third year)study 13 subjects, 11 subjects are non-optional which include Irish, English, science, French, business studies, mathematics, religion, P.E., SPHE, computers and civics.
The Ministry of Education announced in April 2010 that the suggested curriculum for the coming school year would not include civics, democratic values or Jewish-Arab coexistence, and focus more on Zionist and Jewish values.
In addition, their studies include math, sciences, computer, civics, creative arts, and physical education.
National assessments include many subjects, including mathematics, reading, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography, and U.S. history.
The social studies curriculum includes geography, history, map studies, economics, civics, citizenship, and government.
Some programs of study also include drama, dance, world literature, geography, psychology, comparative political systems, civics, journalism and a long list of other subjects and electives.