The instrumental score includes string quartet, piano (performed by Lockington), clarinet, bansuri flute, and tabla drums.
That they included banjo and clarinet suggested some Dixieland was headed their way.
Other instrumentation includes accordion, bass ukelele, mandolin, clarinet, keytar, and glockenspiel.
Instruments during the 18th century included fifes, drums, the hautbois, French horn, clarinet and bassoon.
(The fee was deemed insufficient to include clarinet, but the accordion was never in doubt.)
Moravian traditional music is best known for the cimbalom, which is played in ensembles that also include double bass, clarinet and violins.
Gathering Wood's chamber ensemble includes flute, clarinet, violin, double bass, marimba and percussion.
Earlier forms of this ensemble sometimes included flute, clarinet and guitar.
George Martin arranged and added orchestral accompaniment that included violins, cellos, horns, clarinet and a 16-piece choir.
He experimented with a number of different instruments - which included saxophone, clarinet, drums and piano - until he settled and focused mainly on guitar.