Women - Often due work that includes cleaning, construction, agriculture, and small business/retail.
In April, the four women decided to take a studio apartment, each paying $375 a month, which includes utilities and cleaning.
These tasks include cleaning, making furniture, tending to the garden, and working in the kitchen.
The smaller apartments cost about $105 a day, which includes cleaning, linens and heat, plus 9 percent tax.
The charter rents shared space in a church for $59,000, which includes cleaning and a buzzer security system.
Common tasks include cleaning, cooking, and looking after children.
The price includes all utilities as well as cleaning and laundry.
Maintenance should include regular cleaning and checks for tears or wearing away of the material.
Leasing them under a contract that includes regular cleaning and maintenance might cost an additional $1.7 million per year.
Service includes a 24-hour concierge, light daily cleaning and fresh linens three times a week.
These include cleaning agents, pesticides and gases like ethanol and benzene.
Forty Jewish women worked for this organization, whose duties included cleaning the rooms of German officers.
Other projects include cleaning the capital's streets as well as improvements in the drainage system and the garbage collection.
It included cleaning the underside, a part of the car I had never considered cleaning before.
The tasks include cleaning the house, daily news reading and other entertainment activities.
The solution is alkaline and its uses include cleaning paintwork in preparation for repainting.
Her responsibilities as general factotum on station included cleaning the toilets, and she called herself a porcelain engineer.
A similar cleaning was undertaken in 1994 that included cleaning the monument and the area circling the site.
His maintenance duties did not include cleaning the torch.
This manufacturing process typically includes cleaning the seed to 99.99% before pressing the oil.