Other sections of society included the nobility, clergy, and townsmen.
These might include clergy, vergers and others, in addition to directors of music.
The committee, formed in 1980, includes health and education professionals, clergy, local business people, citizens and students.
Those who qualify under law for such exemptions include lawyers, doctors, clergy and law-enforcement officers.
The council, which includes Anglican bishops, clergy and laity, meets every two or three years in different parts of the world.
Notable members of the family include clergy (Congregationalists), educators, authors and artists.
Many of these included clergy and ordinary lay people that were convicted after they asserted their religious beliefs.
Its members, known as Gregorians, include clergy and laymen.
Past delegations have included journalists, university presidents, clergy, government officials, and diplomats.
The appellate process included clergy from throughout Europe and observed standard court procedure.