In 2008, the offerings were expanded to include cocktails, That year, the sponsors sought to reach the female demographic.
Tickets are $150 and include cocktails, the concert and a reception with the artists.
The center's performing arts companies will benefit from the $25 to $1,000 tickets, some of which include cocktails and a dinner dance.
According to the invitation, the festivities include cocktails, dancing and fireworks on the beach.
The wedding included cocktails for an hour before the reception and a sit-down dinner.
The event also includes music and cocktails at the museum.
Tickets: $50 and $150; $250 includes cocktails and dinner.
The event, which costs $150, includes cocktails and dinner.
The rate, $150 a person a night in double occupancy, includes cocktails, dinner with wine, breakfast and taxes.
The evening will include cocktails, dancing and a competition for the most striking headdresses from around the world.